Personalized Ritual

A personalized, done-for-you Ritual of your choice.

I will send you a quick survey to understand your life and needs, we'll chat about what you're looking for your Ritual to accomplish, and then I will create a one-of-a-kind Ritual just for you!


- Ritual survey

- 20-30 minute phone chat to make sure I understand your needs

- Personalized Ritual PDF with the exact Ritual pieces you need to make sure you meet the goal your Ritual is designed for in a soulful way that quickly and easily becomes habit for you, so you can always keep it up

- 2 follow-up emails with me if you have questions about the Ritual or are struggling to implement it

Your Instructor

Holly O.
Holly O.

Hey! I'm Holly + I'm a reformed hot mess. I hate soul-sucking "systems," but I love getting shit done. This was a big problem until I figured out how to do it smarter + with soul. ENFP, Capricorn, Ravenclaw-Slytherin. Get. Shit. Done. Girl.

Get started now!